Treatment of spinal canal stenosis without surgery
Treatment of spinal canal stenosis without surgery
The spinal canal is a space inside the spine within which the spinal cord is located. This canal is created by a hole in the middle of the vertebrae. This channel is internally supported by a solid membrane called the yellow ligament.
What Is Spinal Canal Stenosis?
Spinal canal stenosis is an abnormal condition that can occur in any part of the spinal canal. This is more common in the lumbar spine than in other parts of the spine. Shrinking space causes pressure on the spinal cord inside the canal and causes symptoms.
What causes the spinal canal to narrow?
۱. Thickening of the ligaments inside the canal
۲. Highlighting or ejecting disks into the channel
۳. Creating bony spines inside the canal
۴. Vertebral fractures
۵. Changes in the intervertebral joints (fast joints)
Does the disease have an inherited background?
In some patients, congenital intra-canal space is narrower than normal. These individuals are more likely to develop symptoms of canal stricture than others.
Patients with slip or spine deflection are at greater risk of developing stenosis than others.
What are the symptoms of spinal canal stenosis?
back ache
Feelings of Exhaustion – Moors and Anesthesia in the Lower Limbs
Restriction on the distance the patient can walk
Characteristics of pain in this disease
Pain in the back and legs with numbness gradually increases over time
The pain gets worse and worse and may not be for some days
The exacerbation of the pain can be sciatica with diffusion to the legs
Pain is caused by long walking or standing
With pain, the patient bends forward
The pain may only occur during the night
In extreme cases, it can be due to motor or impaired urine control
Patients are referred to the clinic for pain and careful examination. The most common means of confirming this diagnosis is an MRI.
A novel spinal canal stenosis
a. Non-surgical treatment
Provide patient-specific exercises and exercises to prevent the progression of the disease and treat its symptoms. Use a medical belt or orthopedic appliances to support physiotherapy and hydrotherapy with simple analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Transformin injection:
What is Transformin injection and how is it done?
Steroid injection into the epidural space is one of the proven and proven therapeutic steps in patients with spinal canal stenosis. This procedure, previously performed by large nodules in the middle space of the spine, is now obsolete and has replaced transformational injections. This is done by a pain specialist in the operating room.
Any lumbar spine injection should be in the operating room under fluoroscopic monitoring and under sterile conditions.
Method of Transformin Injection
This is done without the need for general anesthesia and after anesthesia in the operating room, and a thin, long needle is sent under the fluoroscope monitor to the stenosis site, ensuring the site of injection of the drug in question and the stenosis is resolved.
One hour after this, the patient is discharged on his own foot. A few days after this, the patient has a partial rest at home.
This is done under fluoroscopy. Fluoroscope is a device that gives a direct image of the body through x-rays. It prevents complications such as intra-cerebral or intravascular injection.
Combined injections of drugs into the narrowed space in the spinal canal reduce inflammation, and through rotation swelling and pressure drop within the spinal canal begins to repair the damaged areas and the success rate of this procedure in patients with mild to severe stenosis The average is over 2%. Specific hydrotherapy and exercise training given to patients after injection will prevent relapse.
Patients who undergo this procedure with improved recurrence may have better surgical treatment over a period of 1 to 2 weeks.
The use of RF or radiofrequency in patients with spinal arthritis problem with dart canal stenosis can completely improve the patients.
B. Surgical treatment of canal stenosis
In what patients should open surgery be performed?
۱. Progressive motor problem
Dysfunction in urine and stool control
۳. Severe motor restriction in patients
۴. Failure to respond to non-surgical treatments
Patients referring to pain clinics can prevent disease progression and the need for open surgery by timely treatment.