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chair exercises

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Ok, body talk! If you—like most of us—end up spending way too much time tied to your desk buried in emails and deadlines, read on. Reality check: sitting is literally killing you. As bad a 20-a-day smoking habit, prolonged sitting can actually cause physical and mental stress. Here are six quick deskercises that you can try right this minute. Oh, and we also threw in a couple of (super healthy) munchies to help you cruise along. You’re welcome, ladies

Never Look Back, Says Who Again?

Let’s face it. There’s literally nothing better than strutting right into work and showing toned legs. Presenting the ‘Half-Bear Hug’. To master this at-work leg exercise routine you need to lift your right leg up and grab it with your arms and pull it in as close to your chest as you can. Hold for 5–۱۰ seconds and repeat on the left side. This miracle move actually works better than leg contouring. Yes, that’s actually a thing.

My Legs Better Than Yours
Keep Calm And Neck Rollies

Poor posture, anxiety and stress can often lead to a nagging neck ache. Give your laptop a break and indulge in the ‘Dead Robot Dance’. This chair exercise relieves tension on your neck, shoulders and surrounding muscles. Here’s how: relax your shoulders and let your head roll forward, chin to chest. Avoid rotating in an entire circle. Since you’re working this stretch while being seated, stop right when you touch your chin to your chest and switch to the other side. Also try not to raise your shoulders as you do this exercise. Relax and repeat five times. Ciao neck aches!

Keep Calm And Neck Rollies
Reach Up For Those Arm Candies

Here’s a deskercise you should probably never skip. Famously known as the ‘Reach For The Stars’ routine, this baby is out to unlock those shoulder knots and muscle cramps that often sprout from countless typing, and the most common office posture problem of all time, hunching. Sit straight, interlace your fingers and reach towards the sky (your office ceiling will do). Go as high as you can. For an extra punch of push, slowly lean on your sides and stretch too. Repeat 20 times on both sides for best results. If your boss walks in, well you can always pretend you were dancing to the YMCA!

Reach Up For Those Arm Candies
Pay Attention To Those Shoulder Blades

Here’s an office exercise to open up those side ribs and most importantly, your torso muscle threads. Presenting you, ‘The Elbow Pump’. Considered one of the easiest deskercise routines ever, this stretch teleports you to middle school. Extend your right arm over your head. Use your left hand to lock your elbows and reach out as far as you can to the left and gently bend over and touch your shoulder blades. Hold for a few seconds and repeat with your other hand. This exercise will firm up those wobbly double chins and fight stress too!

Pay Attention To Those Shoulder Blades
Dive Right In To Tackle Jelly Flabs

Tip: Try to do this when no one’s watching. Just saying. However, this move aka ‘The Olympic Diver’ is pure genius. Not only does this exercise routine help in fighting massive mental stress but also tackles stubborn tummy flabs. Clasp your hands in front of you and lower your head in line with your arms. Pretend you’re actually going to dive any moment and stretch.  Look at your pretty shoes for about 20 seconds in the same position before you resume work. Cooling down is as important as warming up

Dive Right In To Tackle Jelly Flabs
Never Look Back, Says Who Again?

This move wakes you up, gets the blood flowing and improves mobility. Introducing the ‘Spinal Twist’. Here’s how it’s done. While sitting in your chair, do a simple twist to release the back. Inhale, sit tall. Take your right hand across the torso to the left armrest, left hand on the back of the chair. Exhale and twist to the left. Hold and breathe deeply for 15-30 seconds, then release. Switch sides and repeat. Remember to lift through your back and not simply twist your spine. This releases tense muscles caused by slouching!
