3 دقیقه

New non-surgical methods of pain management and treatment in a variety of painful conditions such as: disc herniation, joint wear, headache, spinal canal stenosis, shoulder joint adhesions, postoperative vertebral adhesions, cancer-resistant pain, Shingles, peripheral neuropathic pain such as diabetes and …
Some of these procedures can be done in the office and others require special facilities and are performed in hospitals or specialized centers. Procedures requiring hospitalization without anesthesia are performed only with local anesthesia in completely sterile conditions and after The patient is monitored for several hours, then discharged.

Methods used include injection of specific drugs (steroids, ozone, botox, hyalase, etc.) into the desired position (articulation, disc, peripheral nerves, epidural space, etc.) or use of radiofrequency probe to regulate message transmission. Nerve in the nerves is desired.

Due to the high accuracy required, said procedures are performed using an ultrasound machine (C-arm).
– Epidural Injection: caudal, interlaminar, transforaminal

– Gray rami communicant block

– Ozone Nucleolysis
– Prolozonetherapy
– Radiofrequency nerve ablation
– Nerve block
– … Intraarticular injection: Knee, Hip, Shoulder, Sacroiliac, Facet
– Stellate and lumbar sympathetic chain block
– Tendon and injection bursa
– Celiac plexus block
– Superior hypogastric plexus block
– Sphenopalatin ganglion block
– Impar ganglion block
– Piriformis, quadratus lumbrum and psoas muscle injection
– Occipital nerve block
– Intercostal nerve block

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